
Entrepreneur - Dubai

Anastasia Kostouli
I started my sessions with Sofia Vasilara two years ago, when I faced a serious health issue, and I am truly grateful to her for helping me so much during both my home treatments and my hospital stay. She is an exceptional, intelligent woman, filled with kindness, positive energy, and a will to help from the bottom of her heart. She was and always is there for me, as whenever I needed to talk to her urgently she was available outside our scheduled session times. Through our sessions I saw a gradual change in my way of thinking and behavior and I was better able to understand where my emotions originate from – those emotions which had previously always led me to making impulsive and pointless decisions. She also helped, and still helps me, face any difficult situations that may arise, with less fear and more confidence, surety and positivity. I feel sure that, if I had known her years ago and started my sessions with her earlier, I would have avoided many wrong choices and behaviors towards myself and others, but I’m happy I started sessions with her even though I have done so in recent years, as it’s never too late for anything in life… Thank you so much for everything, Sofia!

VIP Beautician - Dubai

Mary Zisi
Mental Health Consultant - Psychotherapist
Sofia came into my life during what was a very critical and decisive period for me. I would say it was almost a karmic encounter. I needed an immediate solution and a push to move forward with my dreams and goals, but I was desperate and couldn’t see any way out. It was like divine intervention when a mutual friend suggested that I meet Sofia, who lived abroad at the time. Since our very first phone call, I felt a connection, and I knew that this person was meant to play a crucial role in my life. We arranged to meet as soon as possible, and when I met Sofia at her office, I encountered a warm and open person who was eager to listen and help me achieve my goal with all my heart. In the three years previous to meeting Sofia, I had been working towards my goal, but I couldn’t find a way to create the right conditions to make it happen, especially during the pandemic. But with Sofia’s guidance, the miracle happened. Within the space of three sessions, I achieved the desired result without making any additional effort. It was like magic. The flow of my life changed, and today I move forward with optimism towards my goals and dreams, feeling blessed for being able to work in a field that I love, providing emotional relief and healing with great respect to my fellow human beings. I thank God for bringing Sofia into my life. I wish her well, and may she be blessed to continue to offer her valuable services and knowledge to those who need them. I am grateful for our karmic encounter, as I met not just an excellent professional, but also a bright and gifted person above all else.

Teacher - Dubai

Asimina Andritsopoulou
Private Employee - Athens
The business coaching sessions with my coach Sofia Vasilara were truly transformational for me. Not only did I gain valuable insights and strategies to advance my career, but I also learned effective stress management techniques which helped me maintain a healthy work-life balance. Sofia’s guidance and support have been instrumental in my career promotion, and I am grateful for the skills and confidence I have gained through these sessions.

After having suffered some panic attacks, I got in touch with Sofia Vasilara. She helped me a lot. Not only to understand that this was something that could be treated and how to overcome it, but also to find ways to stay mentally well by focusing on the positive things that happen, and to achieve my goals more easily. Thank you very much, Sofia!

The experience with Sofia was something that I definitely wasn’t expecting. Despite having heard about the experiences of friends who had already attended sessions with her, I couldn’t believe that something like this would happen to me. I was lucky and perhaps “prepared enough,” so I was able to fully devote myself and experience the connection to the fullest. With Sofia’s guidance, we walked some very deep paths. Even though I didn’t know her before, I felt a great sense of safety, I let go and experienced something extremely intense and undoubtedly unprecedented for me. We managed to find some answers, and certainly, we pulled a thread which I now feel is very close to its full unraveling.

Stratos Iordanidis
Life Coach Mindset & High Performance CEO
& Founder Formal Coaching
The energy healing sessions with Sofia Vasilara helped me to create and maintain positive emotions and energy.