spiritual healing

spiritual healing dubai

Nurturing the Soul with Spiritual Healing Dubai

Certified in many ancient and contemporary healing, personal development and life coaching techniques, which she has been practising for over a decade, Dr Sofia Vasilara applies her own unique technique of Multilevel Coaching & Healing, which combines more than 8 recognized therapy and coaching methods. 

Her sessions are additionally personalized to custom-suit the needs of each person in relation to the desired result and can take place in person or remotely (by phone or online, on Viber, WhatsApp, Zoom, etc).

The issues that Dr Sofia Vasilara can help you with, include:

At Sofia Vasilara, we aim to have a profound connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Spiritual healing Dubai is a transformative journey that goes deeper into the essence of one’s being. Our holistic approach is intended to raise the soul and develop a profound sense of inner calm since we recognise the importance of spiritual well-being in overall health.

Our Spiritual Healing Services

Our goal at Sofia Vasilara’s Healing Centre is to meet each person’s specific spiritual requirements by providing a range of specialised Spiritual Healing Dubai services. Whether your goals are inner peace, spiritual alignment, or a closer relationship with your higher self, our programmes are tailored to address all facets of spiritual well-being.

Benefits of Spiritual Healing

Spiritual wellness is one of the eight Dimensions of Wellness, which are the main aspects of personal health. Some of the key benefits of spiritual health include
  • Enhanced spiritual growth and wellness
  • Greater peace and calmness
  • More meaningful lives
  • Greater physical health
  • Helps ease psychological needs

Why Choose Us?

In what we do, we are experts. With remarkable success, we have served n number of clients.
Recall that there is no end to the process of personal progress. Your potential for happiness, health, and consciousness knows no bounds. We hope for you to develop as we develop, to love as we love, to awaken as we awaken, and to prosper as we prosper.
We’ve decided to walk this path together, and we’re proud of the way we’ve come together as sisters and brothers seeking conscious love and pleasure.
  • Stress Management
  • Releasing negative emotions and harmful habits (fears, phobias, low self esteem, sadness, addictions, panic attacks, nutrition disorders, obesity)
  • Healing inner child
  • Energy cleansing
  • Chakra healing
  • Cutting chords
  • Family healing
  • Family Tree healing
  • Preparation to create a family
  • Subconscious healing
  • Releasing subconscious limiting beliefs
  • Boosting immune system
  • Anti Ageing
  • Positive subconscious transformation
  • Positive mindset transformation
  • Positive DNA transformation
  • Self healing basics
  • Connection with Higher Self
  • Law of attraction
  • Manifestation

Heal yourself and become the best version of you

Certified in many ancient and contemporary healing, personal development and life coaching techniques, which she has been practising for over a decade, Dr Sofia Vasilara applies her own unique technique of Multilevel Coaching & Healing, which combines more than 8 recognized healing and coaching methods.
Her sessions are additionally personalized to custom-suit the needs of each person in relation to the desired result and can take place in person or remotely (by phone or online, on Botim, WhatsApp, Zoom, etc).

The issues that Dr Sofia Vasilara can help you with, include:

Dr. Sofia Vasilara ‘s clients, being very satisfied from her profound healing sessions in Dubai, Athens and London, claim that they have experienced with her the best healing in Dubai, UAE, as well in Athens, Greece and London, UK.

Your spot for a session or for a complimentary consultation
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